Friday, January 27, 2012

Picture 44 Last Picture you took

This a blurry pic my tips are uneven, but at the same time it the last pic I took and that is today's pic

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tony's Pizza Menu

This picture I am about to post isn't a part of this blog, but it is fill of so many memories.. My grandparents bought a pizza restaurant when I was in kindergarten. This place I loved so much! As I got a little older I washed dishes on the weekend for money to play there arcade games. I only made like $5 and blow every quarter. They closed it down just in time. In a years time after that the area went way down hill. They moved on to different ventures in there life. Anyways....... someone on facebook happen to have a menu they had posted.. the funny thing is we use to have so many, but through out the years they disappeared, with us kids or our kids drawing on them, or just lost in our families many moves.
I'm not sure if you can read this. If any one really wants to read this.. let me know I will try to darken it up!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 43 A Picture of My Dream House

Too Big But absolutely beautiful

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 41 Picture of landscape you actually took!

This Coves Cade in The Great Smoky Mnts and I think that is a deer, they where everywhere!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I love Tinkerbell!! She is misunderstood and sometimes clumbsy like me!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 38 Picture of Art

My 16 year old daughter drew this. I love it she is so talented.. she is so better of an artest than I am.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 37 Pic of someone you would date if you could.

This guy isn't a model he(Chris Thompson) is a real person.. he is as sweet as he is handsome .I would date him, marry him whatever if I could. I would be happy being his best friend he is just that awesome.. maybe I will find someone like him one day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 36 Picture of your Father

Donnie  a.k.a Poppy or Pops.. He is actually my step dad, but has raised me almost all my life.. While my real father is a dead beat Donnie has stood up to the plate and took care of me and my sister Eve as if we where his own.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 35.. fins a picture of something Trippy

Day 34 Pic of Random Family Members

My cousin Beth ,her niece, my cousin Courtney,my niece Hayley. my sister Eve and Nephew Austin