Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 3 Better late than Never

Just realized it was after midnight.. I got caught up in what I was watching. Awesomely boring day!!! For some reason Hannah went to bed really early I haven't figured out why/ I think it was 7 pm.  

Getting a bit bored . No one is posting many videos on Youtube. I don't do videos I have nothing to say.  But I love learning about people and there lives.  I wish I had 1/2 an ounce of talent as these people do.  Taking about talent, I didn't realize how talented Hannah my youngest is. My mom and I was reading the email for her acceptance  in the GYSO . they had auditioned several thousand kids and only about 100 kids make it they consider these kids Genius. The thing is when we took her to the audition she never really practiced, she was upset because her bass sounded out of tune and she left her tuner at school and on top of it all she changed her music at the last minute. I am very proud of her... I would felt the same if she didn't make it because at least she tried. 

I has a little dispute about 3 weeks ago .Well it wasn't mine I just got brought in it.. My mom made a comment on facebook about my real dad and the fact he wasn't showing up at the Jones family reunion. My dads girlfriends daughter in law started nosing in there business and dissing my mom.. So my mom said well you need to tell your husband to stop hitting on my daughter, Betty the girl said my husband wouldn't do anything like that and my mom told her I had proof she was mad and blocked me, mom and Eve.  GEEEEZ . Her husband id creepy I wouldn't touch him with a 10 ft pole he never hardly takes a bath, I am just not attracted to him, she has nothing to worry about.   I think she believes I am some sort of dumb ass.. Actually what I am lacking in book smarts I have tons of common sense.  I went in to m y 16 year old's facebook and wrote her a message basically saying she was a coward.. She needed to talk to me before she blocked me. I told her just knows the truth and she just don't you wanna admit it and then I told her that  keep her nose out of my mom and dads business it has nothing to do with it its between the two of them and only them..
I just want all this to go away I don't care if she likes me or not, she is always at my family stuff on the mountain and we are bound to see one another..We all need to get along.

I still haven't colored my hair, I might do that before I go to bed.. At least the roots.I am sorry to grump and grouch just tell you how it is and to fill my day 3 of blogging. Until tomorrow Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

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